The Playbook

At Volcanic Minds, we are committed to providing quality products and services to our partners while maintaining a positive and inclusive work environment for our employees. We understand the importance of having a solid playbook that outlines our company’s history, culture, mission, values, organizational structure, management practices, product and service offerings, sales and marketing strategies, and our approach to risk management and compliance.

Our playbook is designed to provide a baseline understanding of our business practices and procedures while also outlining our goals and objectives. It is an essential tool that helps us maintain consistency and ensure that everyone is working towards the same goal. Our partners can rely on us to deliver high-quality products and services, thanks to the guidelines outlined in our playbook.

At Volcanic Minds, we believe that our employees are our most valuable asset. We recognize that investing in our employees’ growth and development is crucial to maintaining a happy and productive workforce. Our playbook outlines our approach to providing opportunities for personal and professional development, creating a positive and inclusive work environment, and ensuring that our employees are engaged and satisfied.

We invite you to read our playbook and learn more about our company, our values, and our commitment to quality and excellence. Whether you are a business partner or an employee, our playbook is designed to provide you with the information and tools you need to succeed. Thank you for considering Volcanic Minds, and we look forward to working with you.

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Page updated on 9 March 2023

Volcanic Minds S.r.l. - Corso Vinzaglio 24, 10121 Torino (TO) - P. Iva 12754330012