Company growth


  1. Business evolution & future plan
  2. S.M.A.R.T. Goals
  3. Work for equity
  4. Social projects & no-profit activities
  5. Our (open) projects

Business evolution & future plan

Volcanic Minds supports tech startups and SMEs with guidance and development services, helping them grow and succeed.

While we already work with larger companies and corporates, we plan to further expand our services to include specific lines that help these larger entities excel.

This growth allows us to support our current clients and offer new opportunities for larger businesses. Our commitment to quality and innovation remains central to our mission. Building a network of value among companies and partners remains a focal point of our journey.

S.M.A.R.T. Goals

As you probably know, SMART is a mnemonic acronym that can be used to drive the main objectives, which stands for Specific Measurable Achievable Reasonable Time-bound.

Strategic goals:

  • Enhance website traffic through various online strategies;
  • Diversify revenue streams by customer type and sector;
  • Implement and expand AI-related projects through partnerships;
  • Strengthen and expand internship and co-op programs;
  • Increase overall sales and revenue;
  • Utilize open source projects for partner initiatives;
  • Evaluate, analyze, and explore new international markets;
  • Establish new strategic partnerships to expand into complementary sectors.

Work for equity

Volcanic Minds understands the value of equity for starting projects, although it is not the main focus of our company. However, we are open to considering this mode for some ambitious projects with unique characteristics.

The company’s limited resources are primarily focused on developing core business operations and expanding the customer base. That said, we evaluate opportunities for the evolutionary or maintenance stages of projects, recognizing the potential benefits of equity arrangements as a means of financing for companies with limited financial resources.

Volcanic Minds is willing to explore these opportunities on a case-by-case basis, ensuring that any equity arrangements are mutually beneficial for all parties involved.

Social projects & no-profit activities

We recognize the importance of giving back a portion of our success. This helps build a strong community, allows us to use our expertise for the greater good, and motivates our team by raising awareness on various social issues.

If you have a project to propose, please reach out to us. We will evaluate it together. More information on how to contact us can be found here.

Our (open) projects

Volcanic Minds is developing a suite of open-source projects using JavaScript and Node.js.

The suite includes:

All of which are designed to be customizable and adaptable to various projects.

The suite’s open-source nature allows for community contributions, improvements, and bug fixes. Volcanic Minds is committed to providing developers with the tools they need to build robust, scalable applications.

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Reviewed on 5 February 2025

Volcanic Minds S.r.l. - Corso Vinzaglio 24, 10121 Torino (TO) - P.IVA 12754330012